Care Guide for Fabric Purse: How To Wash and Store

February 23, 2023

If you're someone who loves accessorizing with a fabric purse, then it's crucial to know how to take care of it properly. With regular use, your favorite purse can accumulate dirt and stains that may be difficult to remove. Improper storage can also cause damage to the fabric and overall structure of the purse. Therefore, in this care guide, we will discuss the dos and don'ts of washing and storing your fabric purse, ensuring that it remains clean, fresh, and in excellent condition for a long time.


As needed


Fold, Hang

The Right Way To Wash Fabric Purse

Washing a Purse
Washing a purse can be a delicate process, and it's important to pay attention to the material to avoid damage. Before washing, check the care label on your purse to ensure that it can be safely washed. If the label indicates that the purse is machine washable, follow these steps:

  1. Empty the purse of all contents, and shake out any debris or loose dirt.
  2. Pre-treat any stains by applying a small amount of detergent or stain remover directly to the affected area.
  3. Place the purse in a mesh bag or pillowcase to protect it during the wash cycle. If you don't have a mesh bag, you can also place the purse inside-out to minimize wear on the outside.
  4. Select a gentle cycle and use cold water to avoid color fading or bleeding.
  5. Add a small amount of mild detergent according to the package instructions. Do not use bleach or fabric softeners.
  6. Start the wash cycle and wait until it's finished.
  7. Remove the purse from the washer and gently reshape it if necessary.
  8. Hang the purse to air dry. Avoid using the dryer as it may damage the material or cause shrinkage.
If the care label indicates that the purse should only be hand washed, follow these steps:
  1. Fill a sink or basin with cool or lukewarm water and add a small amount of mild detergent.
  2. Gently immerse the purse in the water and use your hands to gently scrub any stains or dirt off the surface. Avoid agitating or twisting the material as this may cause damage.
  3. Rinse the purse thoroughly under running water to remove all the soap.
  4. Remove the purse from the water and gently squeeze out the excess water. Do not wring or twist the purse as this may cause it to lose its shape or damage the material.
  5. Reshape the purse if necessary and lay it flat on a towel to air dry. Avoid using the dryer or hanging the purse as it may cause the material to stretch or deform.
If the care label indicates that the purse should only be dry cleaned, take it to a professional dry cleaner to ensure that it is properly cleaned without causing damage to the material or hardware. Do not attempt to wash the purse at home as it may damage the material, hardware, or color.

How Often To Wash Fabric Purse

Purses and handbags can be wiped down with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or stains. The frequency of cleaning will depend on how often the purse is used and how much it is exposed to dirt and sweat. Some materials may require special cleaning methods, so it's important to read the care instructions before cleaning.

The Right Way To Store Fabric Purse

How to Fold Fabric Purse

  1. Empty the contents of the purse and shake out any debris or dust.
  2. Stuff the purse with tissue paper or a soft cloth to help it keep its shape.
  3. Fold the purse gently, starting with the sides towards the center.
  4. Place the folded purse in a dust bag or a breathable container.

How to Hang Fabric Purse
  1. Empty the contents of the purse and shake out any debris or dust.
  2. Stuff the purse with tissue paper or a soft cloth to help it keep its shape.
  3. Hang the purse by its straps on a hook or a hanger with a soft surface to prevent damage to the material.
  4. Cover the purse with a dust bag or a breathable container to prevent dust accumulation.

Expert Advice for Maintaining The Quality Of Your Fabric Purse

To keep purses in top shape, here are some tips that you can follow. First, it's essential to store your purse properly to avoid dust and sunlight exposure, which can cause fading and discoloration. Store your purse in a cool, dry, and dark place, and avoid piling other items on top of it. Another way to protect your purse is to use a dust bag or a breathable container to prevent dust accumulation. It's also crucial to keep your purse away from sharp objects that can cause scratches, dents, or tears. When carrying your purse, avoid overstuffing it, as this can cause the material to stretch or lose its shape. Remember to follow the care label instructions and never store your purse in plastic as it can cause moisture buildup and mold growth.


Just a friendly reminder that this care guide for fabric purse only provides general advice. Your fabric purse may have specific care requirements based on its material, style, and manufacturer instructions, so always check the care label before washing or storing it. If you're unsure about anything, it's always best to consult a professional cleaner. Please note that the author of this guide is not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from the use or misuse of any information from this blog.

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