How Does Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover Work?

February 11, 2023

Having white clothes can be a challenge, especially when it comes to keeping them looking bright and fresh. Stains, discoloration, and yellowing are all common issues that can dull the appearance of white fabric. But what if you could revive your whites and remove those stubborn stains at the same time? Enter Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover. This solution promises to leave your white clothes looking brighter and fresher, while eliminating tough stains. But how does it work? What makes it so effective in tackling yellowing and restoring the appearance of white fabric? Read on to find out!


Potent, Scented, Color Safe


Protein Stains, Oil-Based Stains

A Brief Overview About Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover

Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover is a dual-purpose solution designed to both remove tough stains and brighten white clothes and fabrics. The product contains a special formula that effectively removes dirt, grime, and stains, restoring your whites to their original brightness. It's safe to use on a variety of fabrics, including whites, and does not contain any harsh chemicals, making it a great choice for families concerned about the use of chemicals in their homes. Whether you're dealing with dingy whites or trying to remove a tough stain, Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover is a reliable solution that can help you achieve the results you're looking for.

How Does It Work?

Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover is a product designed to remove stains and brighten clothes and fabrics. The science behind its effectiveness is based on its active ingredients, which work together to remove the stain molecules and brighten the fabric.

  • One of the key active ingredients in Oxiclean White Revive is sodium percarbonate, which is a type of hydrogen peroxide that acts as a bleaching agent. This ingredient helps to remove yellowing and discoloration caused by the stain, brightening the fabric and restoring its original white color.
  • Another important ingredient is sodium carbonate, which is a water-soluble alkali that helps to dissolve and remove the stain.
  • In addition, Oxiclean White Revive may contain surfactants, which are compounds that help to emulsify and lift the stain away from the fabric.
  • Finally, the formula may also contain enzymes, which are biological catalysts that help to break down complex stain molecules into simpler compounds, making them easier to remove.
Overall, the combination of these ingredients works to remove stains from clothes and fabrics and brighten the fabric by breaking down the stain molecules, emulsifying and lifting the stain away from the fabric, and neutralizing the discoloration caused by the stain. This allows Oxiclean White Revive to effectively remove a variety of stains and brighten clothes and fabrics, making it an effective tool for stain removal and whitening.

Does It Work in Different Types Of Stains?

  • Dye Stains: Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover is highly effective in removing dye stains from clothes. Its powerful formula has been designed specifically to brighten and restore the white appearance of clothes and tackle stubborn dye stains.
  • Protein Stains: The product is also efficient in removing protein stains such as blood, sweat, and food from clothes. Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover's formula works by breaking down the protein structure and effectively removing the stain, while also brightening the white appearance of clothes.
  • Oil-Based Stains: Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover is also effective in removing oil-based stains from clothes, such as grease, oil, and makeup. The product dissolves the oil molecules, making it easier to remove the stain from the fabric, while also restoring the white appearance of clothes.
  • Tannin Stains: The product is also effective in removing tannin stains, such as coffee, tea, and red wine, from clothes. It breaks down the tannin molecules, making it easier to remove the stain and restore the white appearance of clothes.
  • Combination Stains: Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover is also effective in removing combination stains that contain a mix of different types of stains from clothes. Its formula works by targeting multiple types of stains at once, making it easier to remove the stain, while also restoring the white appearance of clothes.
Possible Limitations:
  • Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover may not work on all types of fabrics. It is always recommended to test the product on a small, inconspicuous area first before using it on the entire stain.
  • The product may not work on old, set-in stains on clothes. It is best to treat the stain as soon as possible for the best results.
  • Some types of stains, such as rust and mildew, may require additional steps or products to remove from clothes.
  • The product is specifically designed to brighten and restore the white appearance of clothes and may not have the same effect on colored or dark-colored clothing.


Please note that the information provided in this blog regarding Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover is based on general knowledge and is for informational purposes only. This information should not be taken as an endorsement or guarantee of the efficacy of the product. The exact ingredients and methods of stain remover products are often considered trade secrets and may not be disclosed by the manufacturer. As a result, the information provided here should not be considered a substitute for the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The effectiveness of a stain remover product may vary based on the type of fabric and stain, and it is always recommended to test the product on a small, inconspicuous area before use. The information provided does not guarantee the complete removal of stains and should not be relied upon as such.

How To Use Oxiclean White Revive Laundry Whitener & Stain Remover

  • Sort the clothes that need to be treated for stain. Check for the care label and determine the water temperature accordingly.
  • Measure the recommended amount of Oxiclean White Revive according to the amount of laundry you have. Follow the instructions on the package.
  • Pour the Oxiclean White Revive into the washing machine drum or directly onto the stain. Do not pour it directly onto delicate fabrics.
  • Start the washing machine cycle. The machine should be filled with water to allow the Oxiclean to dissolve before adding the clothes.
  • Once the washing cycle is complete, remove the clothes from the machine and inspect the treated stains. Repeat the treatment if necessary.
  • Finally, launder the clothes according to the care label instructions.
  • Summing It Up

    Oxiclean White Revive is a laundry whitener and stain remover designed to remove a variety of stains and brighten clothes and fabrics. It contains ingredients like sodium percarbonate (a hydrogen peroxide bleach), sodium carbonate, surfactants, and enzymes that work together to break down stain molecules and lift the stain from the fabric. It is effective in removing dye, protein, oil-based, tannin, and combination stains, but may not work on all fabrics, old set-in stains, or rust and mildew. To use, sort clothes, measure the recommended amount of Oxiclean, add to the washing machine, start the cycle, inspect the treated stains, and launder according to care label instructions.

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