How To Remove Lotion Stain From Washable Fabrics
February 15, 2023
Lotion is a common skincare product that can help keep your skin soft and moisturized. However, if you accidentally get lotion on your clothes or other washable fabrics, it can leave behind a greasy and unsightly stain. If you're looking for effective ways to get rid of lotion stains and save your favorite clothing items from ruin, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll share some simple yet effective tips and tricks for removing lotion stains from washable fabrics. Whether you're dealing with a fresh stain or one that's been sitting for a while, these tips will help you get your fabrics looking as good as new.
White to Light Yellow
These stains may appear as a greasy or oily mark on the fabric that could be transparent or slightly yellowish. They may also have a lotion scent.
Warm (85° to 105°F)
Warm water helps to dissolve the oil and make it easier to remove.
The Science Behind Lotion Stains
Lotion stains clothes because it is composed of oils, which can leave a residue on fabric. When you apply lotion, it can transfer onto your clothing, especially if you haven't allowed enough time for it to fully absorb into your skin. This residue can be difficult to remove from fabric and may result in a stain. Additionally, some lotions may contain dyes or fragrances that can also contribute to staining.

What You'll Need To Get Rid Of Lotion Stains
- Paper towels or a clean, dry cloth
- Stain remover spray or liquid
- Dish soap
- Baking soda
- Washing machine and laundry detergent
Step By Step Process To Remove Lotion Stains
- First, use a paper towel or a clean, dry cloth to gently blot up as much of the lotion as possible. Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can spread it further.
- Apply a stain remover spray or liquid directly to the stain and let it sit for the recommended amount of time, usually 5-10 minutes.
- Wash the garment in the washing machine using the hottest water temperature that is safe for the fabric. Use a laundry detergent that is appropriate for the fabric and the stain.
- If the stain is still visible after washing, mix a solution of dish soap and warm water and gently rub it into the stain. Let the solution sit on the stain for 5-10 minutes before washing the garment again in the washing machine.
- If the stain persists, make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the stain. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes before washing the garment again in the washing machine.
- Check the stain after washing and repeat the previous steps if necessary until the stain is completely removed.
In Brief
Lotion stains clothes due to the oils it contains that can transfer onto fabric. To remove the stain from washable fabrics, blot it first, apply a stain remover, and wash the garment in the washing machine. If the stain persists, use dish soap or baking soda to help lift the residue. Always check the care label on the garment and test any new cleaning product or method on a small area first to avoid damage.
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